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Searching for your dream home?
Useful info for relocating
We are a member of the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World
The Leading Real Estate Companies of the World is exactly what it sounds like, and we are proud to be one of its many members. As a result, we have access to residential brokers around the world. If you’re relocating to or from Charleston and would like assistance with buying or selling your home in a different market, contact the Leading Real Estate Companies of the world today.
What You Need to Know About Your New Home
Relocating to a new place is an exciting experience. There are seemingly limitless possibilities in a place full of new discoveries for you and your family. As you prepare to leave the familiar and come someplace new you’ll find yourself full of questions. You’ll wonder about the schools, about things to do, businesses in the area, and all other sorts of questions about your new home. With everything else going on, how are you to find the answers you need to those important questions. Simple. Don’t worry about it. Our team at Drew Sineath & Associates has you covered. The roots we have in the Lowcountry run deep, and our knowledge of the area is just as deep. Let us help you as you relocate!
Find information about the Lowcountry area schools.
Find the perfect place to dine in a city renowned for food!
Learn more about local businesses and engage with them.
Locate the best place to stay as you visit and set yourself up.
Find and take in the gorgeous sights of the Lowcountry.
Take a look at exciting events around the Lowcountry!
Our team is passionate about helping you find your dream home. A lot of people say the same thing, but what makes us different is our dedication to building lifelong relationships and empowering our clients and community through the love of God. The Lowcountry is our home. Our roots here run deep and we take pride in that and passion in helping our community grow everyday, in serving our neighbors.
Are you looking for your dream home in Charleston? Looking to sell your home, but not sure where to start?
We are a Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider!

We are excited to partner with Dave Ramsey as a real estate Endorsed Local Provider.
We have been an ELP since 2008.
As an ELP, we have been accepted into the program as the top 10% of professionals in our industry!