When you buy a property, you’re not just purchasing the home and piece of land its on. You’re also getting the neighborhood/community. One of the biggest ways to get involved in your community is to start on your own street. Get to know your neighbors, find out what matters to your neighborhood, what factors makes your community unique and how you add to that network.


Getting Involved in Your Community
There are many ways to get involved: socially, politically, spiritually, philanthropically or educationally. Here are a few suggestions for making that connection:
-Join your neighborhood or community Facebook page
-Look out for local events happening near your community
-Keep a check on business newsletters (like ours) that list upcoming events, look at the events section of the newspaper (Thursdays for the news and courier), sites like CharlestonCVB, Holy City Sinner and Lowcountry Live
-Look for volunteer opportunities – join your local habitat for humanity, volunteer for the Lowcountry Food Bank, or see if your church or kids school has volunteer opportunities or a food pantry
-Join a local club – check out the local gardening club, community book club or browse sites like meetup.com to find area groups that meet for a variety of interests
-Join the neighborhood community watch- what better way to get involved in the community than to ensure your neighborhoods safety. Most neighborhoods have a crime watch division with monthly meetings
– Volunteer for a local or community cleanup – beautifying the area surrounding your neighborhood is a great way to meet others in your community and do something good for yourself and everyone in the area.
-Organize a community yard sale or bake sale for a local charity
-Volunteer for a local little league – if your kid is on a local soccer, baseball or other sports team, consider joining as an assistant coach, team mom or dad or the snack provider. This is a great way to get to know the parents of the kids your children interact with on a daily or weekly basis.
-Meet your neighbors – host a dinner party or take a baked good to your neighbor to show congeniality and convey a sense of camaraderie in the neighborhood.
We hope you learn to love your community and get involved in ways that interest you and make that community stronger. Check out our Facebook page for regular event and community information posts. If you need suggestions for local charities or service projects, send us a message and we will point in the direction of some good organizations.